Curriculum vitae

Friedrich Gustav Lang Friedrich Gustav Lang
1942 born in Schöntal/Jagst
1957–1961 Secondary education: Protestant boarding schools in Maulbronn and Blaubeuren
1961–1967 Student of protestant theology in Tübingen, Erlangen, and Zürich
1967 First church exam in protestant theology at the University of Tübingen
1967–1968 Assistant minister of the Evangelische Landeskirche in Württemberg
1968–1971 Assistant of Prof. Ernst Käsemann at the University of Tübingen
1972 Dr. theol. in Tübingen, with a dissertation on 2 Corinthians 5:1-10
1971–1973 Visiting Assistant Professor at Rice University, Houston/Texas
1973–1976 Instructor (Repetent) at the Evangelische Stift in Tübingen
1974 Second exam of the Evangelische Landeskirche in Württemberg in Stuttgart
1976 Scholarship at the German Protestant Institute of Archaeology in Jerusalem
1976–1982 Parish minister in Stuttgart-Hoffeld
1982–1987 Church Office of the German Churches, Hannover: advisor for theological education
1987–1995 Parish minister in Tuttlingen
1995–2007 Director of the Evangelische Diakonissenanstalt Stuttgart
since 2007 Retirement in Stuttgart
Memberships: Society of Biblical Literature (SBL)
European Association of Biblical Studies (EABS)